April 3rd, 2016 Eastertide! The Sacrament of Holy Communion

When Jesus broke bread with his disciples at the Last Supper, he asked them to continue breaking bread together, and to remember him when they did. In the earliest expression of what became Christianity, followers of Jesus met in house churches to gather around the table for fellowship in his name.

     Holy Communion at the Lord’s table is one of only two sacraments attested in the Bible, and it is a central practice of the world-wide Christian church.  But differences arose and still exist today as to how Jesus is present in the sacrament, who is permitted to participate, and what participation means.  This Sunday, April 3, 2016, we will break bread in Jesus’ name and celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion. What can we expect to experience when we do?  We’ll explore how to enhance this experience of the presence of Jesus, and this welcoming into the body of Christ.  Our texts are John 21 and 1 Corinthians 11:17-12:13.