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On the Sunday before his death, Jesus rides into the holy city of Jerusalem astride a small young donkey. A crowd of journeying pilgrims lines the streets, waving palms and shouting, “Hosanna! Save us!” Next Jesus goes to the magnificent Temple, where money is exchanged to enable participation in worship. He overturns the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of those selling doves for sacrifice. Why does he do this? He teaches in the Temple, and the crowd is spellbound. What is he saying? The temple elite are afraid of him, and they are determined to kill him. Is it astonishing to think that Jesus, in revealing God, is far too radical for the religious establishment of his day? Is today’s religious establishment more receptive to the heart of the message? This Sunday, March 29, 2015, Palm/Passion Sunday, we enter the world of the first century to experience Holy Week with Jesus. What truth does this most holy week of the Christian year bring to our lives today?