This Sunday, April 24, 2016 at 9:30 a.m., we’re invited to step up our commitment to being a Green Church with Judy Ford, PhD, and the Green Team! Judy brings her remarkable scholarship and multi-cultural lens to the world’s most significant problem, climate change, and invites us to take a fresh look at the problem and the future.
Earth Day is an opportunity each year to access our progress towards creating a healthy, sustainable environment for ourselves and future generations. We may be barraged with news of extreme weather events and doomsday scenarios surrounding climate change, but therein lies a silver lining. Addressing this most urgent world problem has the potential to catapult us into the very future to which we aspire. As a faith community, we have a critical role to play in this transformation.
Judy spent the last nine years exploring why, despite broad public and scientific consensus, the western nations and global institutions, which addressed prior environmental crises, had proven incapable of halting human-influenced climate change. She looked at how culture, universalism, power, and history shaped the worldview, which currently defines public debate and limits the range of solutions we are willing to consider. She found that solutions to climate change lie not within the same narrow worldview from which it emerged, but within a contrary worldview that proposes to both address multiple crises and answer humankind’s universal quests for meaning, purpose, community, and nature. Please join us on Sunday to learn more about the role of faith communities in this most important of quests.
We’ll also hear from your Green Team – Judy, Doug, Dennis, Ethan, Fred, Robin, and Michael (you can join them!) – about what we’re doing to become a GREENER CHURCH. Stay for Let’s Talk, take Pastor Bev’s quiz to find out how green you are, and bring questions!