Welcome to Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church

Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church welcomes you to our website and to our inclusive community.  We gather on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m., and offer live stream for those worshipping from home.  Join us for an inspiring message for children, teens, and adults, for energizing music and authentic prayer, and for the support of our caring community.  Invites to Zoom worship will be sent each week on Saturday .  You can join our list by emailing the church office at shpchurch@comcast.net or our Pastor at sherrihausser@gmail.com.  Videos of our service are available on YouTube at our Sleepy Hollow Presbyterian Church channel.

We live our love for Jesus by feeding the hungry and supporting the most vulnerable.  We are here to serve, to bring peace and hope, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.